stemming from|stem from in English

due to -, resulting from -

Use "stemming from|stem from" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stemming from|stem from" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stemming from|stem from", or refer to the context using the word "stemming from|stem from" in the English Dictionary.

1. An Autologous stem cell transplant is different from an allogeneic stem cell transplant, which uses stem cells from a matching donor

2. Obligations of the Member States stemming from the adoption of the budget

3. After the stem sprouts from the top of the Corm, little buds pop up from the stem

4. Extraembryonic fetal stem cells come from extraembryonic membranes, and are generally not distinguished from adult stem cells.

5. The Copiousness stemming from his success appears to have taken a toll, however

6. Many Binges stem from food deprivation

7. He dissevered branches from the stem.

8. “Beatnik” was an insult stemming from the recently launched the Soviet Union Satellite, Sputnik.

9. Method for differentiating pluripotent stem cell induced from mesenchymal stem cell into adipocyte

10. What are some good effects stemming from acts of kindness in the congregation?

11. To avoid problems stemming from tackiness, use compounds tailored to provide good release.

12. Propagation is very easy from stem cuttings.

13. 2 He dissevered branches from the stem.

14. This idea may stem from ghoulish novels.

15. Boils and pimples stem from different causes

16. Her problems stem from her difficult childhood.

17. Your errors stem all from your carelessness.

18. The Abandonment of children is an extreme form of child neglect stemming from many causes

19. 1731, from Latin Administrativus, from past participle stem of administrare (see administer)

20. 1731, from Latin Administrativus, from past participle stem of administrare (see administer)

21. In 19 a wage garnishment was filed against him stemming from a diamond sale gone sour.

22. Ascesis is defined as self-discipline, stemming from the Greek word “Askesis,” literally meaning exercise

23. Stemming from Bill C-43, the Canada Revenue Agency Act, the main topics are:

24. Not all these shortcomings stem from inadequate resources.

25. The branches stem out from a cylindrical truck.